Arkadiusz Gut
Prof. Arkadiusz Gut (Prof. UMK), PhD Philosophy and PhD in Psychology; Two-times awarded by the scholarship of the Polish Foundation for Science, Fulbright Foundation scholarship recipient, the Stefan Batory Foundation scholarship recipient.
He stayed on scholarships and scientific internships
at Karl-Franzens Universität (Graz, Austria), University of Sheffield (United Kingdom), University of Wisconsin (USA), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and IFiS. The four-time recipient of grants of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Center for Polish Science. Recently, Arkadiusz Gut cooperates with Beijing Foreign Studies University (School of European Languages and Cultures) and the Department of Psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Visiting Professor in Huazhong University of Science and Technology- Department of Philosophy, School of the Humanities, China. Visiting Scholar at City University of New York, USA.
He publishes in
Multilingua, Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication; Synthese; Journal of Intercultural Communication; Studies in Logic and Grammar and Rhetoric; Brentano’s Studien; Filozofia Nauki; Przegląd Filozoficzny. Theory and Psychology, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, Frontiers in Psychology, Behavioral and Brian Sciences, Narratives, Journal of Cognition and Culture. Involved in charity and social work, founder of the Foundation Foundation Pro Liberis et Arte (shortly): Let’s Arte (educational help for children and promotion of educational social programs: website)
- PhD: Psychology (Cognitive Developmental Psychology): Disputation date: 20.03.2016, Faculty of Psychology, Department of Cognitive Psychology, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Postdoctoral degree in Philosophy (specialization: Cognitive science, epistemology, philosophy of language), Catholic University of Lublin, 2010.06.
- PhD: Philosophy (Philosophy of Mind): Disputation date: 20.06.2001. Faculty of Philosophy (Department of Epistemolgy), Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
- MA Philosophy Master 22.06.1996 Faculty of Philosophy (Department of Epistemolgy), Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
Current and previous positions
Since 2019.10.01 Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland; Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
2011-2019.09.30 Associate Professor: (Department of Cognitive Science ), Faculty of Philosophy, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Poland
2003-2011 Previous position held Assistant Professor Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
1995 (one semester) MA Program–Scholarship) Karl-Franzens Universität, Graz (Austria)
2000 (one semester) PhD Scholarship Stefan Batory Foundation) University of Sheffield (Great Britain)
2001-2002 Fulbright Advanced Research Grant – Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin (USA)
2005 (one semester) Postdoctoral Fellowship at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Philosophy, Belgium
2006 (one semester) Postdoctoral Fellowship at Polish Academy of Science, Department of Social Science and Philosophy (sponsored by Foundation For Polish Science
2013 (research visit ) School of European Languages and Cultures, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
2018-2019 Guest lectures as part of the “Scientific Talents in China in the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China)” Department of Philosophy, School of the Humanities, China
2019 Scholarship at Bekker Program (NAWA) (from 01.03 to 31.07) Visiting Scholar at City University of New York, USA
research stays abroad lasting more than three months
2000 (one semester) University of Sheffield (Great Britain)
2001-2002 Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin (USA)
2005 (one semester) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Philosophy, Belgium
2011-2014: many stays at Chinese Universities (Wuhan, Shenyang, Beijing, Hong Kong)
2018-2019 (3 months) Visiting Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology- Department of Philosophy, School of the Humanities, China
2019 (from 01.03 to 31.07) Visiting Scholar at City University of New York, USA
Research fellows
Research Chairmen and participant of the following grants
- 2019-2020 Cultural Learning (SPIRITUALITY IN EXPATRIATE EXPERIENCE. CENTRAL EUROPEAN MISSIONARY STORIES FROM SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES) within the grant: Regional Initiative of Excellence” in 2019-2022, project number: 028/RID/2018/19
- 2015-2018 HARMONIA 6 (UMO-2014/14/M/HS1/00436 for years) the research project entitled “The involvement of language, culture-specific factors and folk intuitions in mind-reading activity and social cognition”. founded by National Science Centre, Poland in collaboration with the Department of Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2011-2014 Research Grant founded by National Science Centre, nr. 155176, title “Evolutionary uniqueness of human nature – an anthropological and ethological comparative research on language, communication, mind and activity of humans and animals” (together with Natural Sciences Department KUL)
- 2009-2012 Research Grant founded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, № 1497/B/H03/2009/37
- 2014-2015 Colaborater in research grant: Alternative dominance and intention salience as factors for some meta-representational tasks for children with professor Him Cheung, Department of Psychology at Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Teaching activities
1998- 2002 Teaching position – Assistant: Philosophy Mind, Epistemology, Faculty of Philosophy) Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
2003 -2011 Teaching position – Assistant Professor; Philosophy of Mind Cognitive Psychology Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
2012-2019 Teaching position – Associate Professor, Cognitive Psychology, Mindreading, Developmental Psychology
2019- Teaching position – Associate Professor, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Philosophy
(last 5 years)
- 19-20.09.2019 Invited Speaker to Conference “Pretend Play and E-Cognition” Center for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, 19-20.09.2019
- 25-26 June 2018, Lecture “Analysis of the relationship between soul and spirituality” A. Gut et al. at the Fourth International Conference of the Polish Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, which will take place in Opole (Poland) on 25 – 26th June, 2018.
- 1-4 July, 2018, Lecture (with J.K Teske): Realist, modernist, and postmodern narratives – their techniques of representing mental states and ways of engaging the reader’s ToM, at Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities 2018 Conference, University of Kent
- 10th –13th September 2018, Lecture, Making things up: Pretending, Fabricating, and Confabulating. Interdisciplinary and Contextual Analysis at Invieted Symposiom at European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP) Rijeka, Croatia
- 22-24.10.2017 Key Speaker at International Conference, Understanding Social Cognition. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies, Avant 3th Conference, Poland, Lublin, 20-22.
- 21-25 August: Poster: On the relationship between cultural context and mindreading system, in: ISTP 2017; Rikkyo University, College of Arts, Department of Education, Tokio; 3- 34- 1, Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, 171-8501 JAPAN
- June 9-12, 2017 speech: Cross-‐Cultural Research on Mind: Dualism vs Holism; in: Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy 49th Annual Conference: June 9-12, 2017; Peking University
- 9-11 June, 2016: Places and Spaces in Children’s Lives, 46th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago, USA; Poster: Theory of mind and conceptual enrichment: What makes the intensionality task more difficult than the false belief task?
- 15-18. 06. 2016; 1st Context, Cognition and Communication conference, , Warszawa. Poster: “Linguistic and Cultural Contexts in the Functioning and Development of the Mindreading System”
- 4-6 August, 2016; International Conference on Thinking, Brown University, Providence USA,presentation: Conceptual enrichment and coming to a fine-grained notion of “belief”
- 2-3 July, 2016, Moral responsibility and humanity, Shangrao Normal University, Jiangxi China: AN INTERPLAY BETWEEN MORAL JUDGMENTS AND CONCEPTUALIZATION OF SOUL Anthropological and cross-cultural approach to morality)
- 7-10 September 2016; The Ninth International Conference on the Dialogical Self –, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland. Presentation: Does language trigger a pattern of thinking about the self? An analysis of cross-cultural research including Poles and Chinese
- September 25-27, 2015; EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science EAP COGSCI 2015; 4th European Conference on Cognitive Science; presentation: Is Mindreading a Universal or Culture- SpecyficConstrukct?
- 26.09.2014 International Conference “From Implicit to Explicit Cognition. The Cognitive Development in Childhood, Kraków, Poland, Presentation: How children cope with opacity challenge?
- 25-28. 10. 2014; International Conference: Meeting of Polish Language and Culture Association, Tokyo, Japan Presentation: Comparative Research in the Scope of the Influence of Culture-Specific Factors on Social Cognition
- 2012Person in Charge of the Scientific Meeting dedicated to Mindreading;
- 2017 International Conference: “Understanding Social Cognition. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies. special Session on Mindreading” Poland, Lublin, 20-22. 10;
- 2018 International Conference: “Cultural and environmental factors in socio-cognitive development” 22-23.11.
Awards and invitations (SELECTED)
- 1999 Award for Researchers founded by the Foundation For Polish Science
- 2001-2002 Fulbright Advanced Research Grant
- 2013 Medal of the National Education Commission
- 2016 Special Award for PhD in Psychology, Council of Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw
- 2011-2019 Three Rector’s Awards for excellent scientific achievements (by Rector of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
- 2016 Nominaton to the “Anoda” Award of the Museum of the Warsaw Uprising for the social activity in Poland
- 2016 Special Award for PhD Thesis in Psychology, Council of Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw
- 2017 Key Speaker at International Conference, Understanding Social Cognition. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies, Avant 3th Conference, Poland, Lublin, 20-22.
- 2017 Best Paper Award (team) in Copenhagen Business School, København, Denmark 2017 11thGEM&L International Workshop on Management & Language
- 2018 Invitation to giving a series of guest lectures in the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China) as part of the “Scientific Talents in China” initiative.
- 2019 Invited Speaker to Conference “Pretend Play and E-Cognition” Center for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, 19-20.09.2019
Papers (selected)
- Teske, J-K, Gut A. (2021); The Reader’s Mindreading of Realist, Modernist, and Postmodern Fiction: A Comparative Study (in print) NARRATIVE, 29, No. 1 (January 2021)
- Gut, A. Lambert A., Gornabiuk O, Mirski R, (2021), Folk beliefs about Soul and Mind: Cross-Cultural Comparison of Folk Intuitions about the Ontology of the Person, Journal of Cognition and Culture, (in print) Issue 1, May.
- Gut A. Haman M., Gorbaniuk O. M Chylińska, (2020) The development of understanding opacity in preschoolers: A transition from a coarse to fine-grained understanding of beliefs, in: Frontiers in Psychology, 11,
- Chylińska M., Gut A., (2020), Pretend play as a creative action: On the exploratory and evaluative features of children’s pretense, in: Theory & Psychology, Vol. 30, pp. 1-19;
- Gut A., Afek J., Kołodziej B., (2020) Chinese Mothers Reflections on Value Systems and Social Norms enacted in Fairy Tales: A cultural Narrative Analysis. in: Annals of Arts (Roczniki Humansityczne); 68 z. 9; pp. 157-183
- Gut A, Wilczewski M., 2020 Turning away from epistemic violence by capturing a lived experience of the other, in: Theory and Psychology, 30 no. 3; pp. 454-458
- Gut P., Gut A., (2020); The Highlights of Descartes’ Epistemology. Roczniki Filozoficzne, 68 nr 2; pp. 9-19; DOI:
- Wilczewski M., Wróblewski Z, Wołociej M., Gut A. 2020, Spirituality in expatriate experience and coping in mission, in: Journal of Global Mobility, 1-20;
- Mirski; M. Bickhard; D. Eck; A. Gut; (2020) Encultured minds, not error reduction minds in:Behavioral and Brain Sciences(2020)Vol. 43
- Wilczewski, M., Søderberg, A.-M., & Gut, A. (2020). Learning in a multilingual and multicultural business setting: Polish expatriates’ stories of critical incidents in China. In: S. Tietze, S. Horn, & P. Lecomte (Eds.), Understanding multilingual workplaces: Empirical, methodological and pedagogic perspectives.( Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy); New York, NY, Routledge, pp. 139-156
- Mirski R. and Gut A. (2019), Action-based and Theory-of-Mind Perspectives on Socio-cognitive Development: Culture, Language and Social Experience within the Two Paradigms in: Synthese 2019
- Wilczewski, M., Søderberg, A.-M., &Gut, A. (2019). Storytelling and cultural learning—A Polish expatriate’s narrative accounts of collaborations with Chinese employees and managers, in: Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 21
S. 362-377 - Gut A., Moszyńska M., Reszuta N., (2019) Who Is a Creative Person? Conceptualisation of creativity by people with autism spectrum disorder. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 27, Poznań 2019. pp. 373–387. Adam Mickiewicz University Press
- Gut A., Hryniewska J., Pejda K, Mirski R., Stoch A; (2019) Body and Mind: Comparative research on Mentalistic Conceptualization in Poland and China, in: Studies in Linguistic, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, edited by Duda, B., R. Kiełtyka, R. and E. Konieczna, Peter Lang Publisher, Berlin-New York, pp.70-92.
- Wilczewski, M., Søderberg, A-M., & Gut, A. (2018), Polish Experts’ Communication Encounters with Locals in a Chinese Subsidiary of a Western MNC: The Expatriate Perspective. In: Multilingua, Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication DOI:,
- Hryniewska J.; Gut A., Wilczewski M., (2018), The Chinese Folk Model of the Mental Concept of “Soul”: a Linguistic Perspective, in: Annals of Arts (Roczniki Humanistyczne) ; Tom LXVI,9 – 2018, pp. DOI: rh.2018.66.9-9, pp. 195-216.
- Gut A. Zhao Gang, Ruszer A. (2018), Cultural Readings of Literature: Social Parameters in Evaluation of Literary Characters (the Case of Wokulski) /Kulturowe Czytanie Literatury Społeczne Parametry Ewaluacji Bohatera Literackiego (przypadekWokulskiego)/ in: Annals of Arts (Roczniki Humansityczne);Tom LXVI, 9 – 2018; DOI: 161-195.
- Gut A., Mirski R., (2018) Language as a Necessary Condition for Complex Mental Content: A Review of the Discussion on Spatial and Mathematical Thinking, Annals of Philosophy (Roczniki Filozoficzne) Tom LXVI, n. 3, Special Edition: Philosophy and Cognitive Science, DOI:, pp. 33-56.
- Fijołek B., Afek J., D.K. Harrold, Gut A., (2018), Społeczno-kulturowe uwarunkowania narracji wychowawczych: analiza eksploracyjna wypowiedzi matek chińskich, Roczniki HumansityczneTom LXVI, 9 – 2018, DOI:, pp. 139-161.
- A. (2018) Kulturowo-językowe uwikłanie atrybucji społecznych w obszarze moralności i epistemologii (The cultural and linguistic entanglement of social attributions in the areas of morality and epistemology), in: Spotkania Polonistyk Trzech Krajów—Chiny, Korea, Japonia, lata 2016/2017, Wydwnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa.
- Gut A., Fan Zhenxu, Wilczewski M., (2018) Inner Speech, the Self and Cross-culture Research on the Polish and the Chinse, in: Dialogical Self: Inspirations, considerations, and research, edited by MałgorzataPuchalska-Wasyl, Piotr Oleś, and Hubert J.M. Hermans, TN KUL, 2018, pp. 143-173
- Gut A., (2018) Opacity as a distinctive feature of the mind (Nieprzezroczystość jako dystynktywna cecha umysłu) in: Filozof w krainie umysłów, red. Króliczak Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UAM, 2018.pp. 129-148 (in polish)
- Gut A., (2018), Kulturowe uwarunkowania odbioru dzieła literackiego – przegląd współczesnych badań (Cultural conditions for the reception of a literary work. A review of contemporary research) at: Spotkania Polonistyk Trzech Krajów: Chiny-Korea, Japonia- Rocznik 2018/2019, red. Yongdeog Kim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, pp. 147-162
- Gut A., Stoch N., (2018), Czy dualizm psychofizyczny jest uniwersalny? Problem umysłu-ciała w filozofii chińskiej (Is psychophysical dualism universal?) in: Filozofować eksperymentalnie – umysł w świecie kultury (red. A. Gut, Z. Wróblewski), Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, s. 75-100
- Gut A.; Afek J., (2017), The Chinese Model of Early Education From the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Psychological Research, (pol. O chińskim modelu wczesnej edukacji dziecięcej w kontekście międzykulturowych badań psychologicznych), in: Roczniki Humanistyczne, Vol: LXV; n.1, pp. 5-28 DOI:
- Wilczewski, M., Søderberg, A-M., & Gut, A. (2017). Polish Experts’ Communication Encounters with Locals in a Chinese Subsidiary of a Western MNC: The Expatriate Perspective. Paper presented at 11th GEM&L International Workshop on Management & Language , København, Denmark
- Gut, A., Wilczewski, M., Gorbaniuk, O. (2017), Cultural Differences, Stereotypes and Communication Needs in Intercultural Communication in a Global Multicultural Environment. The Employees’ Perspective, in: Journal of Intercultural Communication, 2017 n. 43.
- Gut, A., Wilczewski, M., Gorbaniuk, O. (2017), How Culture-Based Perspective-Taking Influences Communication Awareness and Needs of Employees in a Multicultural Environment, in Journal of Intercultural Communication 2017; n. 45
- Gut A., Mirski R., (2016) In Search of a Theory: The Interpretative Challenge of Empirical Findings on Cultural Variance in Mindreading” in: Studies in Logic and Grammar and Rhetoric, 48(61) 2016,
- Gut A.(2016) Językowe i kulturowe uwarunkowania myślenia o umyśle, relacji umysł-ciało i atrybucji stanów mentalnych, w: (red. A. Brożek, A. Chybińska, M. Tkaczyk, M. Grygianiec) Myśli o języku, nauce i wartościach. Księga pamiątkowa dla Profesora Jadackiego. Seria druga. Warszawa 2016, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper. s. 380-394.
- Gut A., Wilczewski M. (2016) “The role of language in the emergence of mature belief reasoning” in: M. Hinton (ed.) Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, Peter Lang – International Academic Publisher, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, p. 209-238.
- Gut P, Gut A., 2016, Kompatybilizm a problem wolności człowieka (Compatibilism and the problem of human freedom in: Veritas in Caritate, RW KUL.
- Gut A. (2016), Badania rozwojowe i kognitywne nad czytaniem umysłu w: Przewodnik po Kognitywistyce (red. J. Bremer), WAM, Kraków, s. 715-758 (w druku)
- Haman M., Gut A., (2016), Wiedza wrodzona, w: Przewodnik po Kognitywistyce (red. J. Bremer), WAM, Kraków, s. 655-710 (w druku)
- Gut A. (2015), Overcoming Logical Psychologism (Frege’s Influence on Husserl), in: Polish Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 10 nr. 1, 2015.
- Gut A. Wilczewski M.,(2015) Porównawcze badania kognitywne. O wpływie czynników kulturowo zależnych na poznanie społeczne. (Comparative Research in the Scope of the Influence of Culture-Specific Factors on Social Cognition) w: (red.) Morita, Spotkania Polonistyk Trzech Krajów—Chiny, Korea, Japonia. Rocznik 2014/2015, Tokio: TUFS, s.117-136
- Gut A., Chylińska M., (2015) Epistemologia i psychologia, w: (red.) Janeczek S., Starościc A., Epistemologia, Seria: Dydaktyka Filozofii T IV, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, s. 149-170
- Gut, A., Wilczewski M., (2015) Is mindreading universal or cultural specific construct? W: G. Airenti, B. G. Bara, G. Sandini, M. Cruciani (eds.) Proceedings of the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science Volume 1419 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, 2015. [doi], s. 499-505 ISSN 16130073
- Gut A., (2015) Na czym polega specyficzny mindreading? w: (red.) Gut A., Wróblewski Z. W poszukiwaniu osobliwości natury ludzkiej, Wydawnictwo KUL. Lublin, s. 59-89.
- Gut A., (2015), Język i komunikacja zwierząt (kognitywne implikacje), w: Gut A., Wróblewski Z. (red.), W poszukiwaniu osobliwości natury ludzkiej, Wydawnictwo KUL. Lublin, s. 283-308.
- Gut, A., Wilczewski, M. (2015). “Chinese Dream (中国梦)—Kolektywistyczny Konstrukt Ucieleśniający Ducha Współczesnych Chin.” (‘Chinese Dream (中国梦)—Collectivistic Construct Embodying the Spirit of Contemporary China’) Zeszyty Prasoznawcze. 58, 3(223) [ERIH]
- Gut A., Wróblewski Z., (2015) Czy reprezentacje zwierząt są nieprzezroczyste? w: Przegląd Filozoficzny- Nowa seria, nr 2 (94), 2015, s. 371-382 [ERIH]
- Gut A. (2014), Priority of Language or Priority of Thought: in: (ed.) Stalmaszczyk P., Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, Walter De Gruyter, Boston-Berlin, 2014, s. 71-98
- Gut A. Wilczewski M., (2014), The China Daily. Tekstowy obraz świata, w: Poszukiwaniu azjatyckiej tożsamości, Seria Biblioteka Azji i Pacyfiku, red. J. Marszałek-Kawa, E. Kaja, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2014, s. 36-67. ( wspólnie z M. Wilczewski).
- Gut A. Gut P., (2014) Chinese Migrant Workers-an anthropologically unique social group, in: Perspektywy rozwoju społeczeństwa sieciowego, red. Partycki, Lublin 2014, s. 321-329.
- Gut A. Rola języka w poznaniu (The role of language in cognition), w: Przewodnik po Epistemologii ( red. R. Ziemińska), WAM, Kraków, 2013.
- Gut A., Gut P., (2013), Inne umysły (Other minds), w: Roczniki Filozoficzne, nr 4, 2012, s. 123-146. [ERIH Plus]
- Gut A., Gut P. (2013), Argumenty Kartezjusza przeciwko myśleniu zwierząt, (Descartes’ arguments against thinking of animals), w: Ethos, (102) nr 2 2013, s. 96-109.[ERIH plus]
- Gut A., (2012), On the Content and Acquiring the Concept of Belief: from False Beliefs Tests to Opacity Tests [O treści i nabywaniu pojęcia przekonania (Od testów fałszywego przekonania do testów na intensjonalność)], w: Pojęcia; (red.) J. Bremer, A. Chuderski; Wydawnictwo Universitas, Kraków, 2012, s.111-138
- Gut A. (2012), Self-Consciousness, Dialogue, Internal Speech and Other Minds [Samoświadomość, dialog, mowa wewnętrzna oraz inne umysły]; w: Ja- dialogowe (red.) P. Oleś, M. Puchalska-Wasyl; Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN Warszawa, 2011, s. 325-360.
- Gut A. (2012), Gottlob Frege’s Thought in the Light of Inquiries Conducted in Contemporary Philosophy, in: “Studies in Logic and Theory of Knowledge”, N.7 , 2012.
- Gut A. (2010), The Involvement of Language in Human Cognition, in: U. Żegleń (ed.) Cognitive Sciences and Media in Education, Toruń, 2010, s. 77-95.
- Gut A., (2010), Determining the Role of Language in the Second Order Thinking(Mindreading and Language, in: Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: The Philosophical Turn; Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2010, p. 65-81.
- Gut A. (2010), The Cognitive Foundations of Communication [Kognitywne Podstawy Komunikacji], “Przegląd Filozoficzny” 2010, nr 3 (75), s. 331-337.[ERIH ]
- Gut A., (2009), Language and Higher Order Thinking [Język a myślenie drugiego rzędu], “Filozofia Nauki” XVII (2009), nr. 3, ss. 99-119. [ERIH]
- Gut A., (2009), Language, consciousness and thinking about thought, w: New Pathways in Linguistics,(red.) S. Puppel and M. Bogusławska-Tafelska, Wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn 2009, ss. 187-206 (in English)
- Gut A., (2009), Husserl nad Frege. Anti-psychological Turn. [Husserl–Frege. Zwrot antypsychologistyczny] w: “Przegląd Filozoficzny” (2009) nr 4, ss. 1-28. [ERIH]
- Gut A., (2009), Language and Second Order Thinking (The False Belief Task), w: Language and World. Preproceedings of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium, red V.A. Munz, K. Puhl, J. Wang, Kirchberg am Wechsel/Lower Austria 2009, ss. 166-169 (in English)
- 59. Gut A., (2008), Philosophical Priority of Judgment, „Brentano’s Studien” 12(2008), ss. 281-30660. Gut A., (2008), Brentano, Marty and Twardowski on the Priority of Thought over Language, w: Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science at Warsaw University, red. A. Horecka, t. 5, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, Warszawa, 2008, s. 91-117.61. Gut A., (2007), Modularyzm – Język – Liczba. O językowych uwarunkowaniach myślenia matematycznego, w: Modularność umysłu, red. Sz. Wróbel, Wydawnictwo UAM, Poznań 2007, ss. 133-175. 62. Gut A., (2007), Proces formowania umysłu językowego – o relacji między myślą a językiem z perspektywy psychologii rozwojowej w: Język – poza granicami języka, red. A. Kiklewicz, J. Dembowski, Oficyna Wydawnicza Leksem, 2008, ss. 157-196.
- Gut A., (2006), O sądzie egzystencjalnym-trzy tradycje, w: Stefan Swieżawski. Osoba i dzieło, red. J. Czerkawski, P. Gut, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2006, ss. 130-141.
- Gut A., (2006), On Predicate Logic: A Logical-Philosophical Analysis, „Studies in Logic and Theory of Knowledge” 2006, nr 6, ss. 81-125
- Gut A., (2004), Myśl Gottloba Fregego w świetle badań prowadzonych w filozofii współczesnej, „Roczniki Filozoficzne” 52(2004), z. 2, ss. 133-170.
- Gut A., (2005), Fregego krytyka dowodu ontologicznego (Frege’s critic of ontological proof) „Analiza i Egzystencja” 2005, z. 1, ss. 31-62
- Gut A., (2003), O metodę w filozofii, w: Jedność nauki – jedność świata, red. M. Heller, J. Mączka, OBI, Kraków, 2003, ss. 141-153
- Gut A. (2001), O sądzie egzystencjalnym, „Studia Metafilozoficzne, t. 2, TN KUL, Lublin 2002, ss. 295-353.
- Gut A., (2002), The Existential Judgment and Cognition of Existence, „Studies in Logic and Theory of Knowledge”, 2002, nr 5, ss. 121-139 (tłumaczenie tekstu 1)
- Gut A., (2002), O Logice predykatów. Analiza logiczo-filozoficzna, „Roczniki Filozoficzne” 50(2002), z. 1, ss. 121-163.
- Gut A., L. Koj, (2001), Uwagi o antypsychologizmie Fregego i Husserla, w: Psychologizm – Antypsychologizm, red. A. Olech, Aureus, Kraków 2001, ss. 29-49.
- Gut A., (1999), Šv. Tomo sprendimo teorjos metafiziniai-semantiniai (Metaphisico-semantical aspects of St. Thomas’s theory of judgement), w: Tomismas: Praeitis ir Dabartis, red. J. Knasas, Logos-Vilnius, 1999, ss. 77-88.
- Gut A., (1998), Two Types of Philosophical Analysis, w: World Congress of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, logic/Gut.htm
- Gut A., (1998), Czy Brentano stworzył zadawalającą teorię sądu?, „Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria”, 26(1998), nr 2, ss. 31-50.
- Gut A., Gottlob Frege i problemy filozofii współczesnej, (Gottlob Frege and problems of contemporary philosophy) Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, 2005, ss. 414.
- Gut A., O relacji między myślą a językiem. Studium krytyczne stanowisk utożsamiających myśl z językiem (On the Relation between Thought and Language. A Critical Study of Approaches that Identify Thought and Language) (seria wydawnicza Umysł: Prace z Filozofii i Kognitywistyki, TN KUL, Lublin 2009
- Gut A., Wróblewski Z. (2015) (eds.), W poszukiwaniu osobliwości natury ludzkiej, (In search of the uniqueness of human nature), Wydawnictwo KUL. Lublin.
- Gut A. Wróblewski Z. (eds.) (2018), Filozofować eksperymentalnie – umysł w świecie kultury (Doing philosophy experimentally – mind in the world of culture) Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, ISBN: 978-83-8061-579-3.
- Gut A., Wróblewski Z. (2018), (eds.) Roczniki Filozoficzne (Annals of Philosophy) , Special Edition: Philosophy and Cognitive Science, t. LXVI, n.3 (ISSN 0035-7685)
Happy Students
Prof. Arkadiusz Gut
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland