Developmental and Cross-Cultural Research on Social CognitionTheory of Mind, Emotions, Creativity, Pretend Play
We focus on ToM, Mindreading, Social Cognition
In our research, we focus on ToM, Mindreading, Social Cognition – particularly we are interested in the impact of culture on mindreading activity and social interactions. We also research issues related to pretend play and creativity as well as children’s understanding of emotions. We do numerous empirical studies, but at the same time we strive to build a theory of social cognition that accommodates the key involvement of culture in the development of mindreading and social cognition.
Arkadiusz Gut
Monika Dunin-Kozicka (Chylińska)
Robert Mirski
Krystian Macheta
Natalia Reszuta
Jakub Janczura
Anna Pietryga
Joanna Afek
Prof. Maciej Haman (Warsaw University)
Prof. Him Cheung (Education University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Marta Białecka-Pikul (Jagiellonian University)
Prof. Francesco Pons (Oslo University)
HARMONIA 6, NCN, (UMO-2014/14/M/HS1/00436 for years) the research project entitled “The involvement of language, culture-specific factors and folk intuitions in mind-reading activity and social cognition”. founded by National Science Centre, Poland in collaboration with the Department of Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Organized conferences
Cultural and environmental factors in socio-cognitive development
Thursday, Room CTW-220
11:00 | prof. Monika Walczak (Dean of the Philosophy Department, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) – Opening
11:15 | Marco Fenici (Bilkent University, Turkey) – Constructing a Theory of Mind: A Socio-cultural Approach
12:30 | A. Gut, Him Cheung, O. Gorbaniuk, K. Macheta. R. Mirski, with the support of Cognitive Science students of KUL (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Pedagogical University of Cracow Poland; Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) – Short report. Does culture shape epistemic understanding of minds: a comparative study of Hong Kong and Poland
14:30 | Zuzanna Rucińska (University of Antwerp, Belgium) – Social play without mindreading
15:30 | Marcin Trybulec (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland) – Why cognitive artifacts should sometimes make the task more difficult? The case of metacognition
16:45 | Katarzyna Kuś, Bartosz Maćkiewicz (Warsaw University) – Linguistification of the Knobe Effect: intentionality, semantics and cognition
17:30 | Tik-Sze Carrey SIU, Monika Chylińska, Nastazja Stoch and Arkadiusz Gut, Oleg Gorbaniuk (The Education University of Hong Kong, China; The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) – The implicit concept of creativity: A comperative study of Hong Kong, Mainland China and Poland
18:15 | Poster Session. Presenters: Adrianna Smurzyńska, Chinedu Ezewoko, Claire Zhenxu Fan, Clara Goebel, Joanna Klara Teske, Karina Ozga, Katarzyna Karska, Krystian Macheta, Maria Kierepka, Michał Obidziński, Monika Pietrzak, Nastazja Stoch, Renata Łukiewicz-Kostro, Salih Bartuğ Çelik, Zbigniew Wróblewski, Anna Dutkowska, Andrzej Zykubek
Friday, Room GG-208
09:00 | Katarzyna Paprzycka-Hausman (Warsaw University) – Epistemic Side-Effect Effect: Belief or Consequence
10:00 | Jedediah WP Allen (Bilkent University, Turkey) – iToM: An Explicit Action-Based Approach for an Implicit Theory of Mind
11:35 | Arkadiusz Białek, Anna Filip, Marta Białecka-Pikul (Jagiellonian University) – Communication Repair and its Role in Theory of Mind development
12:20 | Anna Kamza and Adam Putko (University of Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty in Poznan; Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) – Attachment and inhibitory control in middle childhood: mediating role of verbal ability 45 min.
13:35 | Agnieszka Pluta, Małgorzata Zgoda, Joanna Wysocka, Karolina Golec, Maciej Haman (Warsaw University, Poland) – False belief understanding in oral deaf children with cochlear implants
14:20 | Piotr Konderak – Language in extended cognition and amalgamated cognition
15:05 | Closing & Lunch
Organized conferences
Understanding Social Cognition. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies.
Special Session on Mindreading
W ramach organizowanej w dniach 20-22 października 2017 r. III Konferencji Avant. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies pt. Understanding Social Cognition Wydział Filozofii i Kognitywistyka KUL zorganizowały w sobotę, 21 października 2017 r., specjalną konferencję poświęconą mindreadingowi.
Special Session on Mindreading
Wśród zaproszonych gości konferencji znaleźli się: Francisco Pons, Arkadiusz Gut, Małgorzata Stępień-Nycz, Marta Białecka-Pikul, Albert Newen, Tik-Sze Carrey Siu, Him Cheung, Maciej Haman, Agnieszka Pluta, Marta Białecka-Pikul, Arkadiusz Białek, Magdalena Kosno, Julia Wolf, Joanna Klara Teske.
Special Session on Mindreading
Arkadiusz Gut, Him Cheung ˗ Theory of mind and culture. Introduction
Francisco Pons ˗ Teaching emotion understanding
Małgorzata Stępień-Nycz, Marta Białecka-Pikul ˗ Test of emotion comprehension: the Polish adaptation
Albert Newen ˗ Person Model Theory of Understanding Others: An alternative account
Robert Mirski ˗ Foundational problems with Bayesian inference models of the development of social cognition
Krystian Macheta, Arkadiusz Gut, Robert Mirski, Jakub Janczura ˗ Child’s emotion understanding: developmental trajectory
Tik-Sze Carrey Siu, Him Cheung ˗ Developmental continuity in mental state understanding
Maciej Haman, Agnieszka Pluta ˗ Neurocognitive mechanisms of theory of mind development at the transition stage: Outline of a new fNIRS imaging project
Marta Białecka-Pikul, Arkadiusz Białek, Magdalena Kosno ˗ The role of the ability to point informatively in false belief understanding in 3 year olds
Julia Wolf ˗ False-belief understanding: cognitive and situational factors trigger the development
Joanna Klara Teske ˗ Literature, cognition and theory of mind
A discussion of M. Haman and A. Gut’s article ‘Children’s understanding of opacity’
Program do pobrania
Media (photos i video)
1/ Gut Arkadiusz, Haman Maciej, Gorbaniuk Oleg, Chylińska Monika, The development of understanding opacity in preschoolers : a transition from a coarse- to fine-grained understanding of beliefs, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 11, 2020; pp. 1-15;
2/ Chylińska Monika, Gut Arkadiusz, (2020); Pretend play as a creative action : on the exploratory and evaluative features of children’s pretense. Theory & Psychology, Vol. 30; 2020; pp. 1-19;
3/ Mirski R. and Gut A. (2018/20), Action-based and Theory-of-Mind Perspectives on Socio-cognitive Development: Culture, Language and Social Experience within the Two Paradigms in: Synthese 2018/20
4/ Gut Arkadiusz, Afek Joanna, Kołodziej Beata, (2020), Chinese mothers’ reflections on value systems and social norms enacted in fairy tales : a cultural narrative analysis. Roczniki Humanistyczne, T. 68 z. 9; 2020; pp. 157-183,
5/ Gut A., Mirski R., (2018) Language as a Necessary Condition for Complex Mental Content: A Review of the Discussion on Spatial and Mathematical Thinking, Annals of Philosophy (Roczniki Filozoficzne) Tom LXVI, n. 3, Special Edition: Philosophy and Cognitive Science, DOI:, pp. 33-56.
6/ Fijołek B., Afek J., D.K. Harrold, Gut A., (2018), Społeczno-kulturowe uwarunkowania narracji wychowawczych: analiza eksploracyjna wypowiedzi matek chińskich, Roczniki HumansityczneTom LXVI, 9 – 2018, DOI:, pp. 139-161.
7/ Gut A.; Afek J., (2017), The Chinese Model of Early Education From the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Psychological Research, (pol. O chińskim modelu wczesnej edukacji dziecięcej w kontekście międzykulturowych badań psychologicznych), in: Roczniki Humanistyczne, Vol: LXV; n.1, pp. 5-28 DOI:
8/ Gut A., Mirski R., (2016) In Search of a Theory: The Interpretative Challenge of Empirical Findings on Cultural Variance in Mindreading” in: Studies in Logic and Grammar and Rhetoric, 48(61) 2016,
9/ Gut A. (2016), Badania rozwojowe i kognitywne nad czytaniem umysłu w: Przewodnik po Kognitywistyce (red. J. Bremer), WAM, Kraków, s. 715-758.
10/ Haman M., Gut A., (2016), Wiedza wrodzona, w: Przewodnik po Kognitywistyce (red. J. Bremer), WAM, Kraków, s. 655-710.
11/ Gut A., Moszyńska M., Reszuta N., (2019) Who Is a Creative Person? Conceptualisation of creativity by people with autism spectrum disorder. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 27, Poznań 2019. pp. 373–387. Adam Mickiewicz University Press
12/ Gut A., (2018) Opacity as a distinctive feature of the mind (Nieprzezroczystość jako dystynktywna cecha umysłu) in: Filozof w krainie umysłów, red. Króliczak Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UAM, 2018.pp. 129-148 (in polish)
13/ Gut A.; Afek J., (2017), The Chinese Model of Early Education From the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Psychological Research, (pol. O chińskim modelu wczesnej edukacji dziecięcej w kontekście międzykulturowych badań psychologicznych), in: Roczniki Humanistyczne, Vol: LXV; n.1, pp. 5-28 DOI:
14/ Gut A., Wilczewski M. (2016) “The role of language in the emergence of mature belief reasoning” in: M. Hinton (ed.) Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, Peter Lang – International Academic Publisher, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, p. 209-238.
15/ Gut, A., Wilczewski M., (2015) Is mindreading universal or cultural specific construct? W: G. Airenti, B. G. Bara, G. Sandini, M. Cruciani (eds.) Proceedings of the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science Volume 1419 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, 2015. [doi], s. 499-505 ISSN 16130073
16/ Gut A., (2015) Na czym polega specyficzny mindreading? w: (red.) Gut A., Wróblewski Z. W poszukiwaniu osobliwości natury ludzkiej, Wydawnictwo KUL. Lublin, s. 59-89.